
College Course Descriptions

Course information is subject to change. Please consult the Schedule of Classes at for the most up-to-date course listing.

PSYC 20200. Psychological Research Methods. This course introduces concepts and methods used in behavioral research. Topics include the nature of behavioral research, testing of research ideas, quantitative and qualitative techniques of data collection, artifacts in behavioral research, analyzing and interpreting research data, and ethical considerations in research. A. Light, Autumn.

PSYC 20600. Social Psychology. This course introduces students to the field of social psychology - the scientific study of how people think about, feel about, interact with, influence, and relate to one another. Topics covered include self and social perception, social influence, beliefs and attitudes, altruism, and intergroup processes. Where relevant, we will discuss if and how findings in social psychology can be applied in real-world contexts such as health, work, and relationships. S. Oishi, Autumn, A. Light, Spring.

PSYC 21150. Psychology of Race and Racism. This upper-level seminar will focus on the psychology of race and racism. We will discuss both structural and individual level factors that create and maintain racism in the U.S. context. While this course will focus on social psychology, we will also draw from other areas of psychology. We will discuss social structures and institutions that perpetuate racism, policies that shape societal attitudes and behaviors, and psychological frameworks for understanding racism. We will begin the course with a discussion of the origins of race and racism. We will then transition to contemporary expressions of racism. The goals of this course are to analyze structural contexts influencing racist attitudes and behaviors, evaluate the impact of racism on racially minoritized groups, and to examine strategies and interventions to address racism. K. Henderson, Autumn.

PSYC 22220. Understanding Inequality as a Psychologist. Inequality within and across social groups has risen sharply in the past few decades. What are the early traces and psychological mechanisms of this pervasive phenomenon? In this seminar, we will discuss these questions from multiple angles, integrating developmental, social and cognitive psychology. Specifically, this course will cover topics in early social cognition, including social categorization, essentialism, structural reasoning, normative reasoning, stereotypes and prejudice, etc. Students will evaluate past studies throughout the course and propose original research at the end. L. Bian, Autumn. Undergraduates must have completed PSYC 20500 Developmental Psychology or gain the consent of the instructor

PSYC 22350. Social Neuroscience. Humans are intensely social animals. Our lives are intertwined with other people, and our well-being depends on others. Social neuroscience examines how the brain mediates social cognition and behavior. It spans diverse species, disciplines (evolutionary biology, neuroscience, anthropology, psychology, behavioral economics, sociology, and political science), and levels of analysis across the biological organization. Social neuroscience provides an overarching paradigm to investigate social cognition and behavior and to determine where we as a species fit within a broader biological context. A wide range of topics will be examined, including social connections and friendship, sex, mating and aggression, cooperation and social preferences, social and environmental influences on decision-making and behavior, empathy, social contagion, and group coalitions. Interdisciplinary analyses, by integrating approaches from social sciences and biological sciences, significantly expand our knowledge and have the potential to improve our social and living conditions. J. Decety, Autumn.

PSYC 22580. Child Development in the Classroom. This discussion-based, advanced seminar is designed to investigate how preschool and elementary students think, act, and learn, as well as examine developmentally appropriate practices and culturally responsive teaching in the classroom. This course emphasizes the application of theory and research from the field of psychology to the realm of teaching and learning in contemporary classrooms. Course concepts will be grounded in empirical research and activities geared towards understanding the nuances and complexities of topics such as cognitive development (memory, attention, language), early assessment systems, standardized testing, "mindset", "grit", exercise/nutrition, emotion regulation, and more. Kate O’Doherty, Autumn.

PSYC 23030. Introduction to Python Programming in the Behavioral Sciences. This course introduces you to basic computer programming principles and their application to common problems in Psychology research such as creating simple experiments, data acquisition, and basic analysis. We will focus on the high-level programming language Python. Over a series of lectures and try-it-yourself sessions, you will learn to use Python to display stimuli and record responses, process, analyze, and plot data. The course is designed for students with little to no background in computer programming but wish to take advantage of the power it affords to ask research questions in the behavioral and biological sciences. A. Bakkour, J. Yu, Autumn. Instructor Consent required.

PSYC 23165. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Morality. Morality is essential for societal functioning and central to human flourishing. People across all cultures seem to have the same sense about morality. They simply know what morality is, often without being able to concretely define what exactly it means to label something as a moral kind. But when one tries to more precisely and scientifically define what morality is, things become less clear and more complex. As we'll see in the class, the field of morality is incredibly dynamic and characterized more by competing theories and perspectives than by scientific consensus. The past decades have seen an explosion of theoretical and empirical research in the study of morality. Amongst the most exciting and novel findings and theories, evolutionary biologists and anthropologists have shown that morality has evolved to facilitate cooperation and social interactions. Developmental psychologists came up with ingenious paradigms, demonstrating that some elements underpinning morality are in place much earlier than we thought in preverbal infants. Social psychologists and behavioral economists examine the relative roles of emotion and reasoning, as well as how social situations affect moral or amoral behavior. Social neuroscientists are mapping neural and hormonal mechanisms implicated in moral decision-making. The lesson from all this new knowledge is clear: moral cognition and behavior cannot be separated from biology, human development, culture, and social context. J. Decety, Autumn.

PSYC 24450 (NSCI 20101). Foundations of Neuroscience. This course is an introduction to the broad field of neuroscience. This is a lecture-based course that aims to introduce undergraduate students to concepts and principles that explain how the nervous system is built and how it functions. Examples of thematic areas covered in lectures include: (a) cellular anatomy of the nervous system, (b) development and evolution of the nervous system, (c) sensory systems, (d) motor systems, (e) cognition and behavior. D. Freedman, P. Kratsios, Autumn.

PSYC 25101. The Psychology of Decision Making. We constantly make decisions, determine our preferences, and choose among alternatives. The importance of our decisions range from ordering a meal at a restaurant to choosing what college to attend. How do we make such decisions? What are the rules that guide us and the biases that shape our decisions? What determines our preferences? What impacts our willingness to take risks? In this course we consider how the way we go about gathering information affects our judgment, and how the way we frame problems affects our perceptions and shapes the solutions to problems. We learn what governs choice and the systematic way it deviates from normative rules. We consider how we think about the future and how we learn from the past. The course focuses on the psychology behind making decisions with implications for a wide range of areas such as public policy, law, and medicine. B. Keysar, Autumn. Third and fourth-year students only.

PSYC 25120 (PBPL 25120). Child Development and Public Policy. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the literature on early child development and explore how an understanding of core developmental concepts can inform social policies. This goal will be addressed through an integrated, multidisciplinary approach. The course will emphasize research on the science of early child development from the prenatal period through school entry. The central debate about the role of early experience in development will provide a unifying strand for the course. Students will be introduced to research in neuroscience, psychology, economics, sociology, and public policy as it bears on questions about "what develops?", critical periods in development, the nature vs. nurture debate, and the ways in which environmental contexts (e.g., parents, families, peers, schools, institutions, communities) affect early development and developmental trajectories. The first part of the course will introduce students to the major disciplinary streams in the developmental sciences and the enduring and new debates and perspectives within the field. The second part will examine the multiple contexts of early development to understand which aspects of young children's environments affect their development and how those impacts arise. Throughout the course, we will explore how the principles of early childhood development can guide the design of policies and practices that enhance the healthy development of young children, particularly for those living in adverse circumstances, and thereby build a strong foundation for promoting equality of opportunity, reducing social class disparities in life outcomes, building human capital, fostering economic prosperity, and generating positive social change. In doing so, we will critically examine the evidence on whether the contexts of children's development are amenable to public policy intervention and the costs and benefits of different policy approaches. A. Kalil, Autumn.

PSYC 26520. Mind, Brain and Meaning. What is the relationship between physical processes in the brain and body and the processes of thought and consciousness that constitute our mental life? Philosophers and others have puzzled over this question for millennia. Many have concluded it to be intractable. In recent decades, the field of cognitive science--encompassing philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, linguistics, and other disciplines--has proposed a new form of answer. The driving idea is that the interaction of the mental and the physical may be understood via a third level of analysis: that of the computational. This course offers a critical introduction to the elements of this approach, and surveys some of the alternative models and theories that fall within it. Readings are drawn from a range of historical and contemporary sources in philosophy, psychology, linguistics, and computer science. (B) (II) Jason Bridges; Leslie Kay; Chris Kennedy, Autumn.

PSYC 25280. Psychology of Close Relationships. Close relationships are profoundly important to our lives—they can be an essential source of meaning, happiness, and well-being. At the same time, relationships often go wrong. Why is it that some relationships flourish and others flounder? Throughout this course, we will attempt to answer this question, focusing almost exclusively on romantic relationships. We will chart the time-course of a relationship, from the initial spark of attraction to forming a committed relationship to understanding when and why (some) relationships break up. We will end with broader considerations of how relationships have changed for different groups of people and across history. L. Emery, Autumn.

PSYC 27950 (CHDV 27950). Evolution and Economics of Human Behavior. This course explores how evolutionary biology and behavioral economics explain many different aspects of human behavior. Specific topics include evolutionary theory, natural and sexual selection, game theory, cost-benefit analyses of behavior from an evolutionary and a behavioral economics perspective, aggression, power and dominance, cooperation and competition, biological markets, parental investment, life history and risk-taking, love and mating, physical attractiveness and the market, emotion and motivation, sex and consumer behavior, cognitive biases in decision-making, and personality and psychopathology. D. Maestripieri, Autumn.

PSYC 28420. Insight and Creativity. Human problem-solving and creativity are frequently cited as the workhorses of progress across many different fields of science and engineering. This course surveys classic and recent literature exploring the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying problem solving and creativity. Students taking this class will: (1) develop critical thinking skills in evaluating psychological experiments, arguments, and practices commonly used in research on problem-solving and creativity; (2) develop an appreciation of the complexity of the research on problem-solving and creativity; and (3) be able to articulate the various ways researchers think and model the mechanisms underlying problem-solving and creativity at both a cognitive and neural level. S. Heald, Autumn.

PSYC 29200. Undergrad Rdgs: Psychology. Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form. Available for either quality grades or for P/F grading. Only one independent study course may count toward the twelve courses required of students majoring in psychology. Autumn Spring Summer Winter

PSYC 29700. Undergraduate Research in Psychology. Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form. Available for either quality grades or for P/F grading. Only one independent study course may count toward the twelve courses required of students majoring in psychology. Autumn Spring Summer Winter

PSYC 20250. Introduction to Statistical Concepts and Methods. Statistical techniques offer psychologists a way to build scientific theories from observations we make in the laboratory or in the world at large. As such, the ability to apply and interpret statistics in psychological research represents a foundational and necessary skill. This course will survey statistical techniques commonly used in psychological research. Attention will be given to both descriptive and inferential statistical methodology. S. Heald, Winter. It is recommended that students complete MATH 13100 and MATH 13200 (or higher) before taking this course.

PSYC 20300. Biological Psychology. What are the relations between mind and brain? How do brains regulate mental, behavioral, and hormonal processes; and how do these influence brain organization and activity? This course introduces the anatomy, physiology, and chemistry of the brain; their changes in response to the experiential and sociocultural environment; and their relation to perception, attention, behavioral action, motivation, and emotion. S. London, J. Yu, Winter.

PSYC 20500. Developmental Psychology. This is an introductory course in developmental psychology, with a focus on cognitive and social development in infancy through early childhood. Example topics include children's early thinking about number, morality, and social relationships, as well as how early environments inform children's social and cognitive development. Where appropriate, we make links to both philosophical inquiries into the nature of the human mind, and to practical inquiries concerning education and public policy. K. O'Doherty, Winter; M. Fulcher, Spring     

PSYC 20700. Sensation and Perception. What we see and hear depends on energy that enters the eyes and ears, but what we actually experience-perception-follows from human neural responses. This course focuses on visual and auditory phenomena, including basic percepts (for example, acuity, brightness, color, loudness, pitch) and also more complex percepts such as movement and object recognition. Biological underpinnings of perception are an integral part of the course. K. Ledoux, Winter.

PSYC 21260. Psychology Research Incubator. This course is designed for anyone interested in carrying out psychological research; it is strongly advised for students considering Honors in Psychology. Answering questions about how minds work, how choices are made, or about the forces that shape behavior depends on understanding how to carry out research. This course guides you through the process of developing an original research project of your own design. Whether your questions come from research you are already working on in a lab or reflect independent interests of your own, this course will lead you through the process of designing an empirical study to address an issue that interests you. From the first stages of turning an idea into a study, you will work either individually or with a group to develop your research questions scientifically to address issues that can contribute new knowledge to psychological science. In this course you will learn to: (1) generate testable hypotheses that are informed by prior research, (2) design and implement methods for testing these hypotheses, and (3) write an IRB protocol in order to collect data. The course culminates with drafting a research grant proposal so you will be well positioned to take advantage of the increased funding opportunities available for undergraduate research within the university and beyond. A. Henly, K. Ledoux, Winter. PSYC 20200 PQ: Psychological Research Methods or approval of the instructor.

PSYC 23000. Cultural Psychology. There is a substantial portion of the psychological nature of human beings that is neither homogeneous nor fixed across time and space. At the heart of the discipline of cultural psychology is the tenet of psychological pluralism, which states that the study of "normal" psychology is the study of multiple psychologies and not just the study of a single or uniform fundamental psychology for all peoples of the world. Research findings in cultural psychology thus raise provocative questions about the integrity and value of alternative forms of subjectivity across cultural groups. In this course we analyze the concept of "culture" and examine ethnic and cross-cultural variations in mental functioning with special attention to the cultural psychology of emotions, self, moral judgment, categorization, and reasoning. R. Shweder, Winter.

PSYC 23820. Attention and Working Memory in the Mind and Brain. This course will provide a broad overview of current work in psychology and neuroscience related to attention and working memory. We will discuss evidence for sharp capacity limits in an individual's ability to actively monitor and maintain information in an "online" mental state. Readings will be primarily based on original source articles from peer-reviewed journals, with a focus on behavioral and neural approaches for measuring and understanding these basic cognitive processes.  E. Vogel, E. Awh, Winter.

PSYC 25500. Cognitive and Social Neuroscience of Aging. As the baby boom generation ages, the rising prevalence of aging-related cognitive decline has become a major challenge for individuals, families and society. However, not all cognitive systems are negatively impacted by aging, and aging also causes complex social and emotional changes. How does aging affect our brains and our minds, and are these changes inevitable? This seminar provides an introduction to the scientific literature of the aging mind, focusing on both normal and pathological (e.g., Alzheimer's disease) changes in late adulthood. We will cover contemporary research from cognitive and social neuroscience perspectives. Topics include different psychological domains (e.g., attention, memory, metacognition, affective control) and applied issues (e.g., physical exercise, mental training, stereotype threat). D. Gallo, Winter.

PSYC 25700. The Psychology of Negotiation. Negotiation is ubiquitous in interpersonal interactions, from making plans for a trip with friends or family, to determining working conditions with an employer, to managing international conflicts. In this course we examine the structure of different negotiations and the psychology that governs the processes and outcomes of a negotiation. For instance, we consider the role of perceptions, expectations, intuitions, and biases. We evaluate the role of information processing, modes of communication, and power in influencing a negotiated outcome. We see how the psychology of trust, reciprocity, fairness, cooperation, and competition can affect our ability to benefit from an exchange or contribute to the escalation of conflict. To better understand the dynamics of the negotiation process, we learn both through engaging in a variety of negotiation role-plays and relating these experiences to research findings. Third- or fourth-year students only. Priority will be given to fourth-year students. B. Keysar, Winter. Note(s): It is recommended that students take PSYC 25101 The Psychology of Decision Making before this course, as it provides the conceptual foundations.

PSYC 25850. Early Adversity and Trauma: The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Psychophysiology and Behavior. How do adverse childhood experiences shape the way children view the world, process social information, and make decisions? What is trauma, and how does it affect us on both a biological and a psychological level? In this course, we’ll explore how social stress and adversity influence development, using principles from psychology and neuroscience. We'll examine how our early environments shape our stress responses and what we can do to foster resilience. This course emphasizes hands-on learning and active discussion. You will engage with primary research and empirical studies, exploring seminal work and cutting-edge findings in the field. We’ll focus on how to translate complex scientific information for broader audiences, equipping you with skills to communicate these important ideas to those outside the scientific community. Topics will cover a range of topics including the neurobiology of stress, how experiences of early-life adversity affect brain development, emotions, and the immune system, and the role of environmental factors—such as social relationships and community—in shaping stress responses and resilience. By the end of the quarter, you’ll have a deeper understanding of these critical issues and their real-world implications. Through discussions, readings, and collaborative projects, you’ll leave with both a solid academic foundation and the tools to make a meaningful impact beyond the classroom. E. Silver, Winter.

PSYC 25950. The Psychology of Stereotyping and Prejudice. This course introduces concepts and research in the study of stereotyping and prejudice. Topics include the formation of stereotypes and prejudice; the processes that underlie stereotyping and prejudice; stereotyping and prejudice from the target's perspective; and prejudice and stereotype reduction. The course will cover a variety of groups (e.g., race, gender, weight, and sexual orientation) and explore the implications of stereotyping and prejudice across a number of settings (e.g., educational, law, and health). A. Light, Winter.

PSYC 29300. Walking, Talking, and Acting: Movement across the Lifespan. How do we learn to move through the world, and how do our bodies impact our cognition, social interactions, and well-being? In this course, we will explore how we develop motor skills: from early fetal movements to crawling, walking, and running. Importantly, we will relate our motor abilities to the other skills they impact: How does learning to sit change the kinds of words we hear? How does crawling impact our perceptions of depth and motion? How does beginning to walk influence how children interact with their parents? What role does culture play in the early expression of various motor skills? Moreover, how are the cascading interactions between motor skills and other areas of development impacted by differences in motor development (caused by developmental delays or injury)? After discussing the timeline and importance of motor development in infancy and early childhood, we will cover how changes in motor ability – due to disease, acquired injury, and aging – affect individuals’ social worlds and cognitive abilities. Overall, we will talk about studies that examine existing interrelations between motor skills and other abilities, as well as experiments that introduce interventions designed to shift motor abilities – and as a class, we will design and propose our own novel interventions. M. Fulcher, Winter.

PSYC 29120. Human Communication. Whenever humans get together, communication is bound to emerge. However, we don't call all of these forms of communication (e.g., drawing, pantomime, pointing, etc.) "language". In this course, we will examine historical, academic, and personal notions of what counts as language, exploring the diverse ways humans communicate, and consider how these different how these different forms of conveying meaning might contribute to language. Throughout this quarter we will draw on research from a wide variety of established spoken and signed languages, gestural systems, artificial languages in the laboratory, and newly emerging languages in the world to build a framework of how humans create and use symbols to make meaning. Later in the course we will consider how these different symbols and forms of conveying meaning interact when getting language off the ground, in three different contexts: (1) at the level of the individual acquiring a language, (2) at the level of an individual or group creating language or language-like systems from scratch, and (3) at the level of a community, using and changing a language over generations. C. Ferrara, Winter.

PSYC 29200. Undergrad Rdgs: Psychology. Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form. Available for either quality grades or for P/F grading. Only one independent study course may count toward the twelve courses required of students majoring in psychology. Autumn Spring Summer Winter

PSYC 29700. Undergraduate Research in Psychology. Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form. Available for either quality grades or for P/F grading. Only one independent study course may count toward the twelve courses required of students majoring in psychology. Autumn Spring Summer Winter

PSYC 29800. Honors Seminar: Psychology. This course is a reading and discussion of general papers on writing and research, and individual students present their own projects to the group. A literature review, data from ongoing or completed empirical projects, or portions of the thesis paper itself can be presented. Students are expected to give thoughtful feedback to others on their presentations and written work. B. Prendergast, Winter. Open to third- or fourth-year students who are majoring in psychology and have begun their thesis project.

PSYC 20400. Cognitive Psychology. Viewing the brain globally as an information processing or computational system has revolutionized the study and understanding of intelligence. This course introduces the theory, methods, and empirical results that underlie this approach to psychology. Topics include categorization, attention, memory, knowledge, language, and thought. M. Berman, Spring

PSYC 20500. Developmental Psychology. This is an introductory course in developmental psychology, with a focus on cognitive and social development in infancy through early childhood. Example topics include children's early thinking about number, morality, and social relationships, as well as how early environments inform children's social and cognitive development. Where appropriate, we make links to both philosophical inquiries into the nature of the human mind, and to practical inquiries concerning education and public policy. K. O’Doherty, Winter; M. Fulcher, Spring.

PSYC 20600. Social Psychology. This course introduces students to the field of social psychology - the scientific study of how people think about, feel about, interact with, influence, and relate to one another. Topics covered include self and social perception, social influence, beliefs and attitudes, altruism, and intergroup processes. Where relevant, we will discuss if and how findings in social psychology can be applied in real-world contexts such as health, work, and relationships.  S. Oishi, Autumn; A. Light, Spring

PSYC 21690. Media and Psychology: Causes and consequences of media use across the lifespan.  This course will examine the influence of media on individuals and groups from both a developmental and socio-cultural perspective. Topics will include young children's academic and social-emotional skill learning from television, video and tablets; adolescents' social media identities and experiences including cyber-bullying; media influences on adults' health behaviors, aggression, prejudice, and more. Students will engage in both qualitative and quantitative research on media and psychology as part of this course. K. O’Doherty, Spring.

PSYC 21750. Biological Clocks and Behavior. This course will address physiological and molecular biological aspects of circadian and seasonal rhythms in biology and behavior. The course will primarily emphasize biological and molecular mechanisms of CNS function, and will be taught at a molecular level of analysis from the beginning of the quarter. Those students without a strong biology background are unlikely to resonate with the course material. B. Prendergast, Spring.

PSYC 23660. The Disordered Mind. What are disorders of the mind? What are some of the theoretical and practical issues surrounding the identification, classification, and treatment of such disorders? What do mental disorders have to teach us about the typically-functioning mind? This seminar course will address these and other questions within biological, psychological, and sociocultural perspectives to attempt to understand the current and historical paradigms that have influenced our perception of what it means for the mind to be "disordered." Included will be discussion of behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and developmental disorders. K. Ledoux, Spring.

PSYC 23800. Introduction to Learning and Memory.  This course examines basic questions in learning and memory. We discuss the historical separation and division of these two areas as well as the paradigmatic differences in studying learning and memory. We also discuss basic research methods for investigating learning and memory and survey established and recent research findings, as well as consider several different kinds of models and theories of learning and memory. Topics include skill acquisition, perceptual learning, statistical learning, working memory, implicit memory, semantic vs. episodic memory, and memory disorders. A. Bakkour, Spring.

PSYC 23860. Beyond Good and Evil: The Psychology of Morality. Morality is a mysterious and possibly uniquely human capacity that influences how we make decisions in a number of domains. In this course we will explore how and why human beings have the moral intuitions that they do and also where these intuitions come from-what about our moral intuitions are built in and how are these intuitions shaped by experience? To achieve these goals, we will discuss literature from developmental, social, and evolutionary psychology, as well as some literature from behavioral economics and experimental philosophy. We will briefly review the history of moral psychology, but spend the bulk of our time discussing contemporary debates and findings from research on moral psychology. A. Shaw, Spring.

PSYC 23910. Hormones, Brains, and Behavior. This is an advanced course in behavioral neuroscience, with the goal of understanding the complex interactions among the brain, the endocrine system, and behavior (Behavioral Endocrinology). Reproductive hormones, stress hormones and hormone-brain interactions over development will be emphasized. The class will cover multiple levels of analysis/explanation from molecular, to organismal, to evolutionary, and the material will be primary research articles drawn from studies in a broad range of organisms, including humans. The course format will consist of weekly lectures and student-led discussions. Prior coursework in neuroscience (at or beyond the level of PSYC 20300) and a strong background in biology are prerequisites. B. Prendergast, Spring.

PSYC 24010. Systems Neuroscience (NSCI 20130). This course covers vertebrate and invertebrate systems neuroscience with a focus on the anatomy, physiology, and development of sensory and motor control systems. The neural bases of form and motion perception, locomotion, memory, and other forms of neural plasticity are examined in detail. We also discuss clinical aspects of neurological disorders. J. MacLean, Spring.

PSYC 24060. Understanding Practical Wisdom. (BPRO 24050). Thinking about the nature of wisdom goes back to the Greek philosophers and the classical religious sages, but the concept of wisdom has changed in many ways over the history of thought. While wisdom has received less scholarly attention in modern times, it has recently re-emerged in popular discourse with a growing recognition of its potential importance for addressing complex issues in many domains. But what is wisdom? It's often used with a meaning more akin to "smart" or "clever." Is it just vast knowledge? This course will examine the nature of wisdom-how it has been defined in philosophy and psychological science, how its meaning has changed, and what its essential components might be. We will discuss how current philosophical and psychological theories conceptualize wisdom and consider whether, and how, wisdom can be studied scientifically; that is, can wisdom be measured and experimentally manipulated to illuminate its underlying mechanisms and understand its functions? Finally, we will explore how concepts of wisdom can be applied in business, education, medicine, the law, and in the course of our everyday lives. Readings will be drawn from a wide array of disciplines including philosophy, classics, history, psychology, behavioral economics, medicine, and public policy. The course will include lectures by philosophers and psychologists. This course is offered in association with the Chicago Moral Philosophy Project and the Good Life program (the Hyde Park Institute).A. Henly, H. Nusbaum, Spring.

PSYC 25750. The Psychology and Neurobiology of Stress. This course explores the topic of stress and its influence on behavior and neurobiology. Specifically, the course will discuss how factors such as age, gender, and social context interact to influence how we respond to stressors both physiologically and behaviorally. The course will also explore how stress influences mental and physical health. G. Norman, Spring.

PSYC 26010. Big Data in the Psychological Sciences. Innovative research in Psychology has been pushing the bounds of traditional experiments through the usage of "Big Data", where experiments are conducted at humungous scales-at the levels of thousands to millions of participants, images, or neurons. With these developments in the field, fluency in these new technologies, methods, and computational skills are becoming increasingly important. In this course, students will develop an understanding of these new directions, and will learn practical plug-and-play tools that will allow them to easily incorporate Big Data in their lives and research. We will also discuss the looming ethical issues and societal implications that come with Big Data. The class will culminate in a final project in which students will be able to collect and analyze their own Big Data. W. Bainbridge, Spring.

PSYC 29200. Undergrad Rdgs: Psychology. 100 Units.

Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form. Available for either quality grades or for P/F grading. Only one independent study course may count toward the twelve courses required of students majoring in psychology.

PSYC 29700. Undergraduate Research in Psychology. 100 Units.

Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form. Available for either quality grades or for P/F grading. Only one independent study course may count toward the twelve courses required of students majoring in psychology.

Terms Offered: Autumn Spring Summer Winter